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Business team wanted to understand omnichannel behaviour and their contexts.

  • Service Category:Marketing Analytics
  • Vertical:Retail
  • Region:India
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Understanding consumer behavior for a leading denim brand in India for both offline and online channels, and how consumers interact with the brand in each of these contexts.


  • The brand has offline stores , present on marketplaces and own website
  • Time to report, consumer behavior across different platforms

Reports collation was an issue with lot of time being spent gathering data. Long time to reporting led to delayed campaign optimization activities.


  • Unification of data coming from multiple platforms in a regular period.
  • Standardization of reporting metrics across platforms.

Real time data gathering from multiple sources/platforms in a standard format helped in fast and data led decision making .


  • Seamless data gathering from disparate sources.
  • Processed analytics for output metrics.

Time spent on analysis of real time reported data. Improved campaign optimization process with additional insights coming from cross platform analysis.

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A funnel of different platform inputs to give view of customer behaviour and sales


  • Data is obtained through deep API integrations into all channels that the brand may be using, thus ensuring a custom built tool suited to view KPI outputs.


  • SKU data in multiple layers from omni channels processed to give actionable insights on sell through across platforms and regions

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Integrations across different platforms and tools are done to understand interplay and derive sharp insights.

Our data models show that we have a 100% response rate.

Give us your feedback, or share a suggestion, or ask us a question or simply drop us a hello.