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Data From Disparate Sources Into Insights


Actionable Business Insights

By using proprietary AI & ML led algorithms and technologies, icogz brings together disparate sources of data and mines intelligence from them . This helps you get a unified view of your business and access to rich actionable business insights that can positively impact business decisions.

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Transforming Data Into Insights

icogz mines intelligence from a brand's vast disparate data set and delivers insights using proprietary algorithms and technology. In the process, icogz help brands gain a unified view of their business, get access to real-time analysis that enables quicker business decision-making, thus improving business performance and the bottom line.


Amit Tripathi,
Founder & CEO

Empowering brands to thrive, we specialize in guiding them to harness the full potential of their data. Our expertise ensures that businesses navigate challenges seamlessly, using insightful data strategies to drive success. With us, your data becomes a powerful ally in achieving your goals.

Black and White portrait image of icogz partner Bicky Carlra


Bicky Carlra,

How icogz supports brands by providing marketing and retail analytics to address individual business challenges.

Empowering brands to thrive, we specialize in guiding them to harness the full potential of their data.

Black and White portrait image of icogz partner Bicky Carlra Small

Bicky Carlra explains how businesses can gain an advantage with icogz

Our data models show that we have a 100% response rate.

Give us your feedback, or share a suggestion, or ask us a question or simply drop us a hello.