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Leading beverage brand wanted to understand the media effectiveness for its top brands in specific markets

  • Service Category:Marketing Analytics
  • Vertical:FMCG
  • Region:India
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Digital and TV media effectiveness for a leading beverage brand in India in 12 specific markets


  • The digital & TV media effectiveness across markets with effect on sales.

While the client had their own attribution models the market wise impressions and GRP were collated for a period to understand band wise sales for different pack sizes.


  • The market mix attribution is to identify effective channels and tactics for reaching and engaging customers, and to optimize marketing budgets .


  • Based on attribution modelling understanding the efficacy of the different TV channels and social media platforms on the brand sales .

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A market wise Media Matrix for impressions and sales was derived to understand the efficacy of the different channels used under TV and digital.


  • Data is obtained through deep API integrations into all digital channels along with all markets TV data of the brand was used, thus ensuring a custom built tool suited to view the derived efficacy.

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Integrations across different platforms and tools are done to understand interplay and derive sharp insights.

Our data models show that we have a 100% response rate.

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