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icogz was implemented across multiple call centers to optimise the entire Lead Management Process from lead capture to sales closure.

  • Service Category:Marketing Analytics
  • Vertical:B2B Telecom
  • Region:India
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Primary Brief

The challenge was to combine CRM and marketing analytics to implement effective lead generation campaigns.


  • Lack of integration between digital marketing analytics and the CRM
  • Expensive CRM tools with unnecessary features
  • Inflexible CRM tools that can’t be customized

It took more than 4-5 days for compilation of Leads in to MIS, attribute to campaign sources and creatives to measure impact Manual effort was involved in collating and consolidating the data from multiple Panels / Reports into one single disposition worksheet.


  • A single analytics tool that captured both ad platform and CRM data to show how campaigns are performing.
  • A CRM that is powerful yet can be customised to each company’s unique workflow

Fragmented data sources made the consolidation process very complicated and manual effort was tedious and repetitive. Analytics insights were available post a lag of 48 – 72 hours, which led to slow response times in campaigns.


  • Faster decision making by marketing teams due to unified analytics data
  • Lower cost of CRM ownership
  • A CRM that matches established workflows

Automated MIS & Reporting with views of Lead Processing & Closure attributed to paid/organic campaigns on a single dashboard

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Secondary Brief

icogz was implemented across multiple call centres to optimise the entire Lead Management Process lead capture to sales closure.


  • Track your lead generation campaigns from the ad impression to the sale.
  • Marketing and sales dashboards allow for real-time decision making on campaign optimisation.


  • Highly intuitive CRM that is used by call centers and sales teams.
  • Built-in tools for agents, team leaders, and management.


  • Fast, custom deployment ensures a CRM that matches your native workflows and terminology.
  • APIs available to connect icogz with other applications such as marketing automation or sales documentation.

icogz has helped us reduce 70% of manual effort by automating an equivalent number of processes to streamline and augment our Enquires across all campaigns. In the first month itself we witnessed a 10% rise in Customer Conversions.

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A comprehensive MarTech Stack for the entire Digital setup running on the cloud, ensuring availability and security of the data. Integrate icogz with your existing and future applications for scalability as usage increases.


Scaling your icogz solution is both easy and flexible. Number of users, volume of data, number of operations etc can all grow easily with your business.


Combine the 99.99% high availability SLA with enterprise-grade security. Ensure the right people can access the solution while protecting your valuable data.


Integrate your icogz dashboards and analytics with other services, including Business Intelligence and Machine Learning.

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Integrations across different platforms and tools are done to understand interplay and derive sharp insights.

Our data models show that we have a 100% response rate.

Give us your feedback, or share a suggestion, or ask us a question or simply drop us a hello.