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Automated reports with standardised unified view from different platforms was a challenge.

  • Service Category:Marketing Analytics
  • Vertical:Media
  • Region:India
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A reporting view that helps teams to collaborate, showcase sources and standard KPI metrics to make data based informed decisions.


  • The brand was present on multiple platforms across paid owned and earned assets.
  • Time to report became a challenge due to sheer number of different platforms.

Reports collation was an issue with lot of time being spent gathering data Long time to report led to delayed campaign optimization activities.


  • Unification of data coming from multiple platforms.
  • Standardization of reporting metrics.

Real time data gathering from multiple sources/platforms. Reports coming in standard format reducing time to report.


  • No need to manage or pull data from multiple sources.
  • Reduced time to report from hours to real time.

Time spent on analysis of real time reported data Improved campaign optimization process with additional insights coming from cross platform analysis.

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Serving up rich content analytics for the media brand.


  • With content distribution on TV, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and the web, this brand needed deep understanding of how content can be modified to achieve maximum engagement on each channel.


  • Burst campaigns are tied to festivals and special occasions. Reports that take time to compile, lose the opportunity for course correction mid-campaign.
  • We worked with the brand to feed upcoming campaign details into the AI bot for priority tracking.


  • The brand had multiple social media accounts on each network plus website, requiring significant effort to gather and compile data for reports
  • icogz synced all the data to a set of dashboards with PDF export for instant reports and analysis.

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Integrations across different platforms and tools are done to understand interplay and derive sharp insights.

Our data models show that we have a 100% response rate.

Give us your feedback, or share a suggestion, or ask us a question or simply drop us a hello.